Natural oils for face and body skin careNatural oils for face and body skin care have been used for hundreds of years
Nutrition for healthy and beautiful skinNutrition for healthy and beautiful skin means, above all, a balanced diet, with vitamins and minerals that play a very important role.
When and how to start skin care routine?When and how to start skin care routine is the question our patients in Dermatim Practice frequently ask. If we all lived in ideal conditions
Collagen and skin and face treatmentsCollagen is a protein that gives the skin elasticity and strength. It is found in muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones and skin.
Skin Care in PregnancyMeta: Skin care in pregnancy requires special attention. Pregnancy is a different state and all organs, even the skin, must experience major or minor changes.
How to care for your feet?How to care for the feet which are often a very unjustly neglected part of the body when it comes to intensive and daily care.