
ore often is observed in light-skinned people with more active sebaceous glands. Given that this disease can last for years, sometimes event a lifetime, we can call it a condition of the facial skin.

What are the symptoms of rosacea?

Lesions affect cheeks, nose, chin and middle part of the forehead symmetrically. Blushing episodes often occur many years before the onset of the full clinical picture of rosacea. They are most pronounced when moving from warm to cold space, when consuming alcohol or very spicy food, as well as when exposed to physical activity and sun. Patients often complain of burning sensation, especially after applying special cosmetic preparations. Over time, enlarged blood vessels, small rash and pustules also appear. If not adequately treated, permanently enlarged blood vessels can develop. Men can develop the enlargement of the sebaceous glands and thickening of the subcutaneous tissue especially in the region of the nose. The cause of this condition is unknown, but it is assumed that rosacea can be triggered by solar radiation, alcohol, spicy foods, caffeine, heat, stress, hormonal changes, as well as Helicobacter pylori.

How the skin should be treated?

The skin should be washed with mild soap-free agents that don’t dry out the skin and are adapted to the sensitive skin. Hot water causes redness, so you should use cold or lukewarm. Also, makeup should be odourless, with sun protection factor.

How various factors cause skin redness?

Different foods can trigger the appearance and exacerbation of redness in different people. In some individuals, hot drinks worsen the appearance of the face, and in some patients it is alcohol, especially red wine, coffee, as well as some spices. It hasn’t been proven that minerals and vitamins enriched diet has a significant effect on this condition. Most of the studies that have been conducted examined the effect of zinc, but they showed different results. While some of them showed significant improvement, others didn’t. Stress can, also, affect the facial skin, and be atrigger for rosacea. Physical activity greatly relieves stress, but people who are being treated for rosacea triggered by exercise should choose rooms with an adequate temperature that are well ventilated. Also, to avoid overheating, workouts at shorter intervals are recommended.

Rosacea types

The first type is erythematotelangiectatic rosacea. It is characterized by frequent episodes of transient facial erythema (flushing) and nontransient, or persistent, erythema, as well as broken blood vessels. The second type is papulopustular rosacea. It is characterized by previously mentioned symptoms with the appearance of undefined pimples with or without purulent content. The third type is rhinophyma. It occurs more often in men than in women. Along with the aforementioned symptoms, the enlargement of the sebaceous glands is also present causing a cauliflower-like surface on the facial skin with a significant enlargement of the nose. The fourth type is ocular rosacea. It typically affects the eyes, clinically resembling conjunctivitis. It can contain all the previously listed symptoms accompanied by eye problems. This type of rosacea can be localized only on the eyes.

Rosacea treatment

Rosacea can be very successfully kept under control, although it is difficult to cure. Treatment must be individual, resulting in imperceptible redness of the facial skin. When it comes to general measures, it is necessary to avoid factors that cause the expansion of blood vessels and worsen redness. Therapy can be topical, with preparations containing azelaic acid, tretinoin, metronidazole or ichthyol. It is also often necessary to introduce oral therapy, with antibiotics or isotretinoin. In our clinic, special creams and treatment with the latest Candela VBeam laser are successfully combined for the treatment of facial redness.
Svetlana Đurišić specijalista dermatovenerologije

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