What is the difference between depilation and epilation? Depilation is removal of hair using wax, sugar paste, depilatory devices. All the listed methods involve mechanical pulling of hairs from their follicles. The treated body surface remains smooth for two weeks and then the same hairs start growing again. There is a misconception that this method can reduce or permanently remove hair over time.
Almost all girls use depilation as the initial method of removing hair from the legs, bikini area, and face. A problem that often arises when depilation is used is the appearance of ingrown hairs after plucking, leading to the need to shave hairs for some time after using the wax.
As this method of hair removal requires the hair to be at least 3 to 4 mm long, the need for permanent epilation is much greater. The difference between the depilation and epilation is that in the first method the hair is plucked mechanically and in the second it is destroyed in the follicle using light of different wavelengths or heat energy.
Difference between depilation and epilation
Epilation is a long-term removal of unwanted hair, while waxing lasts only as long as the hair growth cycle.
Epilation performed with electricity is called electroepilation. It is performed by inserting a thin radiofrequency probe into the hair follicle under the surface of the skin. Releasing the current, the thermal energy destroys the follicle. A small number of treatments (2 to 3) will be required, but there is a possibility that small discrete pits remain. Recovery is until the small scabs fall off. Today, it is mainly used for white hairs.
Laser hair removal is the method of choice for permanent or long-term removal of unwanted hair in people over 16 years of age. The age limit exists only because of the formation of the final number of hairs and their quality after puberty, and not because laser beam may be harmful. Laser hair removal is performed using lasers or IPL systems. Lasers have significantly greater power and are safer in hair removal and require less treatments than IPL devices, the result is long-lasting and for some regions even permanent.
Laser hair removal is a method that has been used for 30 years now. It is completely safe if the laser is handled properly and brings incredible relief when it comes to unwanted hair.