How to protect the skin?
Protective face masks have become commonplace for both adults and children, and COVID-19 epidemic has changed most of our daily habits, routines and even our daily skin care.
The need for protection with disposable masks or reusable cloth masks is unquestionable. However, because of that, daily habits in facial care should be changed in a timely manner.
What skin problems can be caused by protective masks?
Medical face masks are made of rough materials that adhere to the skin to leave as little space as possible between the nose, chin and external environment. In this way, the skin is blocked and mechanically irritated, especially while talking under a mask.
The consequence of daily skin occlusion is the appearance of blackheads and subcutaneous pimples. These are blackheads caused by mechanical occlusion.
Adding daily makeup to this further increases the retention of oil and impurities on the face.
Perioral dermatitis is another disease caused by skin occlusion. It is a type of face eczema characterized by redness, skin scaling, small bumps like pimples. Face masks can trigger it.
Bacterial infections in the face area where the mask is worn can be provoked by mechanical damage to the skin accompanied by inadequate mask hygiene.
Enlarged pores can get a slightly worse look due to the retention of facial oil under the masks and additional sweating.
How to wear a mask, but at the same time prevent these changes?
Firstly, it is necessary to pay attention to how the mask is stored and handled.
Disposable masks must be disposed of after removal from the face or changed every couple of hours. When storing face masks, the surface of the face-facing mask should not come into contact with objects in the outside environment nor should it be carried in a trouser pocket.
Cotton masks should be washed daily and ironed at high temperatures. The agent used for washing (cotton) masks should not be aggressive and it is important to rinse them well.
Avoid applying powders and tinted creams because they are transferred to the masks and collect bacteria (both from the mouth and from the skin).
Clean your face daily with facial cleansers. If you are using micellar water, then clean the skin several times and then rinse with warm water. In case special soaps are used, it is necessary to rub the skin for a few seconds longer than usual. After face cleansing, apply light moisturizing creams, which will not clog the pores.
It would be desirable to include preparations based on fruit acids to the daily face care. Fruit acids exfoliate the skin while cleaning it chemically. Depending on whether the skin is dry or oily, the preparation with fruit acids should be precisely balanced.
Medical protective masks are absolutely necessary in our daily lives and respect of official emergency measures during COVID-19 pandemic. These tips should allow our skin to stay beautiful and clean during this period.