Mole removal using radiofrequency is a proven and completely safe method of mole treatment for aesthetic or preventive reasons. Both of these reasons for mole removal are deemed medically justified. Moles represent a group of melanocyte cells, usually darker brown in colour and they can appear on any body part.

Most moles appear by the age of 30. Most of them are benign and harmless. They can become malignant over time and then they need to be surgically removed. Only a dermatologist and a surgeon can assess whether a mole is potentially dangerous. If the mole is located on a spot where it is constantly irritated or if one’s appearance is affected by it, it is completely safe to remove it using radiofrequency.
Apart from radiofrequency, moles can also be removed surgically and with lasers. The indications are different.
Laser removal of moles is used in certain types of large congenital nevi: Nevus of Ota and Mongolian spots. With laser mole removal, the moles vanish completely, making it impossible to conduct a pathohistological analysis.
Surgical mole removal is indicated in certain situations – in moles larger than 7 mm, in dysplastic and congenital moles, blue moles, if changes have already occurred and the criteria for melanoma is present, as well as if the patient wishes to be completely sure that every cell was removed.
Mole removal with radiofrequency – Patient experience
Radiofrequency mole removal is a radiofrequency-surgical method that can remove skin or mucous membrane changes and does not require stitches or bandaging after the intervention. It is suitable for removal of all benign changes, especially for radiofrequency removal of papilloma fibroma, papillomatous moles.
Radiofrequency mole surgery involves the passage of high-frequency radio waves into the skin minimally damaging the surrounding skin structures. Radiofrequency surgery is very precise, completely affecting the desired area, so there is less damage than when a surgical scalpel is used.
Radiofrequency mole removal can be done by anaesthetising the skin area with an anaesthetic cream or with a small dose of anaesthetic injection.
The intervention itself lasts only a few seconds with minimal or no bleeding at all.
After moles have been removed, the patient won’t feel any pain, because the precise high-frequency waves do minimal damage to the skin, regardless of the depth of the treated change. The high temperature at which they do the cutting removes the function of sensitive fibres, the patient won’t feel any pain even for a few hours after removal.
After the treatment, a dry scab forms at the site of the intervention. The scab falls off after 3 to 14 days, depending on the size of the change that has been removed. The skin will be a little lighter for a month. Over time, the colour will even out and that’s considered a normal healing process. Over time, the colour will even out and that’s considered a normal healing process.
The scar after the intervention is minimal, except when the change requires a deeper penetration of the radio waves, after which a shallow scar, lighter in colour than the surrounding skin, may remain at the site of removal. An experienced dermatologist will inform the patient of what the scar might look like.
Radio waves are most often used to remove the moles raised above the skin surface. The procedure uses the Ellman Radiosurgery device, which can shave away layer by layer from the skin surface in a very precise manner. During the procedure, the dermatologist has a very high control over the depth and surface of the removal with minimal scaring.
Apart from mole removal, radiofrequency surgery is also suitable for the removal of keratoses, warts, fibroids, dilated capillaries on the face, condyloma, cysts and for the correction of acne scars. Read more about it on the link – radiofrequency removal of changes. Read more about it on the link – radiofrequency removal of changes.
Natural mole removal methods
The so-called “natural removal of moles” at home is completely forbidden and can easily endanger patient’s health. Moles shouldn’t be tied with strings, or have various acids and mechanical peels applied on them.
Numerous scientific studies indicate the dangers that such treatments can cause. The unprofessional removal of moles carries a risk of an infection and an inadequate treatment of melanoma or other cancers.
That is why it is mandatory to always have one’s moles examined and, if necessary, removed by an experienced dermatologist or a surgeon.