At the mention of skin conditions, patients usually think of eczema, hives, psoriasis, fungi, bacterial infections and various types of skin cancer. To non-professionals, skin conditions can all resemble one another. Sometimes they can be a reflection of some underlying disease.
Skin cancer and actinic keratosis
More than 10 million people in Europe and America develop skin cancer every year. In Serbia, every year there is an increase of 25 percent. This, not at all harmless disease, can be deadly, especially if it is not detected at the initial stage.
Of all the forms of cancer, basal cell epithelium is the most common, but also the least dangerous skin cancer. It develops slowly, and the possibility of metastasis is 0.1%. This cancer should be removed, especially as it can have locally invasive growth, and if found near the eye it can cause damage to the eye or to its deep structures.
A rare form of skin cancer is a squamous cell carcinoma. It grows fast and its urgent surgical removal is a must. It has locally invasive growth and metastasizes. It develops on areas where the skin was exposed to chronic skin irritation, most often caused by sun.
Melanoma, as the third form of cancer, can be life-threatening, especially if it is not detected in time and treated in the earliest stages. It develops from an already existing or newly formed mole.
Fibrosarcomas may resemble harmless dermatofibromas or atheromas. They are very aggressive. The timely surgical intervention leads to their removal and healing.
Reddish-brown skin lesions with small scabs on the surface represent the actinic keratoses. They form on the skin after many years of sun exposure. This is a precancerous condition. If left untreated, they have the potential to turn into squamous cell carcinoma.
In case of any visible mole changes, like shape, edges or colour, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist. Skin lesions can look very similar, so they should not be taken lightly. Dermatologists should also examine any bumps that grow, itch, bleed or change.
Fungal infections
Fungal infections are one of the most common infectious skin conditions. They affect the skin, hair, and nails. Scaly patches with red and pronounced edges are characteristic of fungal infections. People in contact with animals are at a higher risk of becoming infected. These infections are treated with antifungal drugs.
Fungal infections are very common in athletes. The athlete’s foot is one of the most common conditions. It develops in people whose feet have become very sweaty while confined for a long time within sneakers.
Herpes simplex
More than 70 percent of people suffer from this viral infection. This type of herpes is characterized by grouped blisters. They usually break out in the area around the lips. The virus appears and disappears from the skin, but is chronically present in the nerves of that region. It is activated by declines in immunity and stress.
Seborrheic dermatitis
Oily, scaly and red itchy skin are characteristic symptoms for seborrheic dermatitis. There is almost no person who hasn’t had an episode of seborrheic dermatitis at least in some period of their life. In infants, it is called cradle cap, while in adults dandruff.
Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the most common reasons for contacting a dermatologist. In addition to the scalp, it can affect the chest, back and face.
Seborrheic keratosis
Rough skin growths of light brown to black colour increase in number as one gets older. This benign condition, apart from the aesthetic moment, is completely harmless. Sometimes they can resemble moles or skin cancers, so it is necessary to consult a dermatologist.
Warts caused by human papilloma viruses appear mostly on the hands and feet. They can also be found in other body parts. One can come into contact with this virus in all public areas, saunas, swimming pools, kindergartens, nurseries and schools. They are transmitted by direct, but also indirect contact through contaminated objects.
Impetigo is a bacterial infection characterized by red ulcers, scabs or blisters. It is a highly contagious disease. It spreads quickly, is easily transmitted, and the treatment is antibiotic.
During puberty alone, more than 90 percent of young people struggle with this problem. About 20 percent of individuals continue to struggle in adulthood. Their condition requires some dermatological treatment. Acne can be completely cured, but it takes more than a year of constant treatment.
Redness on the cheeks and forehead is characteristic of this condition, developing usually in middle-aged people. Episodes of redness can be accompanied by false pimples and painful plaques on the face. It can affect the eyes and cause conjunctivitis. With rosacea, constant sun protection and adequate therapy are essential.
Skin disorder characterized by red, scaly and inflamed itchy skin. The causes of contact eczema can be different. Because of the increased use of strong and aggressive shampoos and soaps, but also chemical products, contact eczema is becoming more frequent. One of the forms of eczema, which affects children, is atopic dermatitis. The allergic component is very important in this condition. However, over the years, the situation with atopic dermatitis improves.