How to remove a tattoo with as less pain as possible?
Tattoos can become unwanted in different periods of life, due to professional or personal reasons. However, before you decide to remove a tattoo, you should thoroughly inquire about the possibilities and methods used. Lasers, surgery or mesotherapy are just some of the ways to get rid of something you don’t like anymore.
Surgical removal
Surgical tattoo removal may not be the best option, especially when it comes to large tattoos, but it is certainly the fastest. The scars can be large and apparent and your doctor will definitely draw your attention to that during the consultation. This method can be used for small tattoos, where the scar will be discreet. Scarring on the site of surgical tattoo removal is inevitable. It can be significantly reduced by laser treatments after suture removal.
Laser removal
The Q-switch laser and the pico laser are the only lasers that can completely remove a tattoo. These are new generation lasers that have several probes of different wavelengths, each targeting a different colour. In that way, tattoos of different colours can now be removed without leaving any scars on the skin. The success of the procedure certainly depends on the laser quality, as well as on a doctor’s experience.
Laser beams penetrate deep into the skin breaking up compact particles of ink into tiny particles. The natural process of disappearance of ink particles helped by the immune system is significantly accelerated. After the treatment, there won’t be great swelling. A burning sensation might be felt on the treated area, and a whitish surface similar to popcorn forms on the surface. Somewhat later, mostly the next day, a thin crust forms on the surface, and very rarely small blisters. After a week, the tattoo starts to fade. White blood cells carry away the pigment a month or more after a treatment.
How many times you will need to repeat the treatment depends solely on the type of the ink used. Amateur tattoos require less treatment, usually 5 to 6. Professional tattoos may require 10 to 15 treatments to completely remove the colour.
One year after the end of the treatment, the skin will be slightly lighter at the site of removal. Another year later, the skin colour evens out.
White and yellow inks cannot be removed with a Q-switch laser.
Use of acids in tattoo removal
Various acids can be used to remove tattoos. Some are injected, some are applied to the skin surface. It is inconvenient that we do know to what extent the acid will damage the skin, so it is not possible to predict what kind of scaring will remain, or whether the pigment will disappear.
Those who are prone to keloid scars can not undergo this method. When removing tattoos, the reaction could be even more violent.
The diamond sanding paper used to remove tattoos almost certainly leaves scars behind. One of the reasons is that tattoos are located in the dermis – the third layer of skin. When it is removed, it inevitable creates skin pigmentation or scars.
Dermabrasion is also used for extensive acne scars or deep wrinkles.
This is one of the most painful methods of tattoo removal. It is one of the oldest treatments, where the skin is sanded and the salt is applied to the treated area. I dok šmirgla uklanja slojeve kože, so služi da izvuče boju iz tetovaže. It leaves scars and it is very painful.