Why do women lose hair? The most common reason is hereditary alopecia, which affects 50% of men and about 15% of women. This genetically predisposed alopecia, i.e. hair loss, occurs under the influence of hormones and can start as early as the age of twenty.
Why do women lose hair?
Significant hair loss begins to occur naturally in premenopause and menopause, which poses a big problem for women Women feel like they are not healthy or feminine enough.
Doctors’ opinions about supplementation with hormones in menopause are strongly divided. There are more and more scientific studies that confirm that an adequate low dose hormone replacement therapy is necessary for maintaining the skin, hair, bones, cardiovascular and nervous system.
In recent years, there has been a large increase in hair loss in the younger population as well: metabolism is different, the percentage of insulin resistance has increased, sugar intake has significantly increased, stress is at a very high level… Modern lifestyle leads to hormonal imbalance. Even 15-year-old girls start to experience hair loss, which is often associated with polycystic ovary syndrome and/or androgenic hormones, which are present in a higher percentage in the body and which cause the follicle to thin, atrophy and disappear.
It is very important to see a dermatologist at the earliest stage of hair loss so they can react in a timely manner. Patients often get certain hormone levels tested and conclude that everything is fine based on reference values. Both the ratio of hormones and the fact that there may be hormonal balance issues even though this is not yet shown by the laboratory results, are important. In the initial phase of hair loss, there are cells in the follicle that can be reactivated following the treatment, which results in the growth of new hair.
Some restrictive diets can have a disastrous effect on hair growth. Rigorous and long-lasting diets can cause irreversible hair loss. The reason for this is the lack of nutrients in the hair root, but also the dramatic loss of adipose tissue, which is the estrogen depot. Sometimes even after regaining the lost weight, the follicle, the root of the hair that has been lost forever, cannot be compensated.
These causes lead to telogen effluvium, i.e. thinning all over the scalp, which is different from male hair loss. Androgenic alopecia in women never involves complete hair loss as in men and is characterized by hair loss that affects the central scalp. Telogen effluvium is the loss of hair on the entire scalp evenly.
Hair loss during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the level of female hormones is so high that the hair loses its natural rhythm of growth and loss, and for 9 months it almost does not fall out at all. After childbirth, it takes 3 months for the hormone drop to affect the hair root and the sudden hair loss begins. It can be so dramatic that almost all the hair on the scalp is lost. Since this is a natural, physiological mechanism of hair loss which occurs after childbirth, normal hair growth patterns completely return even without the use of supplements or lotions.
Hair loss during pregnancy is rare, but it can happen, and in that case it is necessary for the pregnant woman to consult a doctor for additional testing. The cause may be the increased or decreased thyroid function, iron deficiency or simply stress from pregnancy.
Sudden hair loss in women
Sudden hair loss in women can occur during very heavy periods, as well as in case of frequent periods due to high iron loss. Hair becomes weak, dry and thin.
In case of hair loss after stress, illness or various therapies, the hair grows back almost completely. After anagen effluvium (hair loss after chemotherapy), new hair may be stronger than before.
New facts about the causes of hair loss are discovered every day, as well as new approaches to therapy.
That is why it is important to contact a Dermatologist in time so that the main problem that causes hair loss can be discovered and solved.
You can read more about hair loss by clicking the link.