Nutrition for healthy and beautiful skin means, above all, a balanced diet, with vitamins and minerals that play a very important role.
It is often said that our skin is a mirror of complex processes in our body, so many skin diseases, but also its noticeable aging, are often just a symptom of the body’s need for nutrients and vitamins or a different way of life.
Numerous studies have repeatedly confirmed the enormous power and importance of antioxidants for the skin appearance and health, and some foods contain them in large quantities. Metabolic processes release free radicals on the surface of the skin. They are the main culprits for all visible signs of age, from wrinkles through blemishes to stronger or milder skin inflammations. Antioxidants are molecules that can prevent the effects of free radicals.
Nutrition for healthy and beautiful skin
Vitamin C
One of the most important dermatological discoveries is the antioxidant power of vitamin C, which effectively counteracts the harmful effects of free radicals, caused by excessive sun exposure.
Vitamin C creams stimulate collagen production and brighten the skin. It is desirable to apply them in the morning in order to neutralize the effect of the sun’s UV radiation, of course with the compulsory SPF. It is recommended that vitamin C in creams should be in the form of L-ascorbic acid so that it can penetrate all layers of the skin.
Vitamin C rich diet includes enough foods like peppers, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, citrus fruits. Vitamin C supplements of 500 to 1000 mg per day can be taken, but freshly squeezed juices are the best.
Vitamin E
Like vitamin C, this extremely powerful antioxidant helps eliminate harmful effects on the skin caused by sun exposure. These two antioxidants are often combined in creams because they increase each other’s effect. Vitamin E is important in preparations for atopic dermatitis as it reduces itching and dryness of the skin.
The combination of Vitamin E and Vitamin A reduces the risk of developing very common basal cell carcinoma of the skin by up to 70 percent.
Vitamin E also helps to reduce wrinkles on the skin and speeds up wound healing.
It is most often found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, olives, spinach. It is not easy to get enough of this vitamin through food, so it is recommended to take supplements up to 400 units a day. Higher doses than recommended may lead to the risk of bleeding.
This vitamin is necessary for all processes of skin cell division, for skin firmness, its adequate hydration, as well as for the complete immune status of the skin. It is one of the first vitamins that have been scientifically proven to have antioxidant effects when applied to the skin, as well as the effect of collagen stimulation and skin rejuvenation.
Vitamin A
Different forms of vitamin A are used in creams. Retinol is a potent stimulant of collagen, tretinoin is a necessary substance for the treatment of acne, while tazarotene is use to treat psoriasis.
With a balanced diet, the level of vitamin A is usually sufficient, so it is not necessary to use supplements. Excessive intake of vitamin A can have the opposite effect in the form of dryness and flaking of the skin.
Beta-carotene is metabolized in the body to vitamin A. Even when we take excessive amounts of beta-carotene, we can only get an orange discoloration of the palms and soles, which is quite harmless.
Vitamin B complex
The most important vitamin B for health and skin care is biotin (B7). It is a nutrient that forms the basis of our skin, nails and hair cells, so without a sufficient amount of this vitamin, inflammation will develop with symptoms of itching, dandruff, and sometimes hair loss. Even a mild biotin deficiency can cause some of the symptoms.
Biotin is found in many foods, most notably bananas, eggs and rice.
Lately, there have been more and more preparations in the form of creams with vitamin B, which help hydrate the skin and increase the overall tone.
Niacinamide (B3) is a specific form of vitamin B that maintains moisture in the skin. It can also be used in creams with visible effects after 6 days of application. Niacin also has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used to soothe dry, irritated skin, and in higher concentrations it is also used to lighten dark spots on the skin.
Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is useful for damaged and dry skin.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is important in regulating bleeding, but it has no significant effect on the skin if ingested.
However, there are studies that indicate that it can reduce dark circles around the eyes and bruises on the skin. In creams, vitamin K is combined with vitamins A, C and E in order to achieve the stated effect.
Nutrition for healthy and beautiful skin – Minerals
Zinc is a very important mineral for fighting acne, which can sometimes be a symptom of a deficiency of this mineral. Taken orally or in the form of a cream, zinc reduces fat production and can be effective in controlling the formation of new acne as well as treating the existing ones. Red meat, oysters, poultry are rich in zinc.
Selenium plays a key role in preventing skin cancer and protects the skin from sun damage. It reduces the possibility of burns and the risk of skin cancer. Significant sources of selenium are whole grains, nuts such as Brazil nuts, seafood, garlic and eggs.
Together with vitamin C and zinc, copper helps the production of elastin, a fibre that supports the structure of the skin. Doctors warn that taking copper in the form of supplements can be dangerous and not necessary, since a deficiency of this mineral occurs very rarely.
In addition to vitamins and minerals, other substances that are ingested through food or applied topically can also have a good effect on skin appearance.
The most important for the appearance and quality of the skin are:
Alpha-lipoic acid
Alpha-lipoic acids are very powerful antioxidants, stronger than vitamin C or E. What makes them so special is their ability to penetrate both oils and water. Alpha-lipoic acids protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and can be taken in the form of supplements and creams.
It is a powerful antioxidant, found in grape and blueberry skin. Resveratrol has antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It has the same effect when applied in a form of a cream as when it is ingested through food. The sunlight inactivates it, so evening application is recommended.
Coenzyme Q10
Q10 is an important enzyme that our body stops producing around the age of 27. It is desirable to take it in capsules, in order to prolong the vitality of the skin, heart and central nervous system. Q10 in creams is a powerful antioxidant and a fighter against free radicals.
DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) is another very powerful antioxidant and nutrient that helps stabilize cell membranes and reduces the damage caused by sun or pollution. DMAE also prevents the formation of lipofuscin, a brown pigment that is the basis for the formation of dark spots. It can be used as an addition to mesotherapy or in creams. DMAE is important in stimulating hair growth and is one of the ingredients contained in cartilage repair supplements.
Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is a component of all living organisms and plays an important role in joint lubrication. As it has a great ability to bind water (as much as 1000 times its weight), it is important for the health and vital appearance of the skin.
Today, the use of creams with hyaluronic acid is very popular, as well as the use of fillers with hyaluronic acid.
It is equally powerful if taken as a dietary supplement.